[Twitter] 17.12.12 – JaeJin remercie ses fans pour son anniversaire
Le jour de son anniversaire, Jaejin a voulu remercier ses fans à travers les réseaux sociaux. Il a fait passer le message par le compte Twitter du fanclub officiel.
@FT_FANCLUB Merci à tout le monde pour vos messages d’anniversaires. C’est la première fois de ma vie que des milliers de personnes me le souhaitent. Je suis tellement heureux et je veux envoyer ce sentiment à mes parents qui m’ont donné la vie. (Source: Weibo-Jaejin)
> 제 생일을 축하해 주셔서 너무 감사합니다 제 삶을 통틀어서 이렇게 크게 수천명 앞에서 축하받은 적은 없었습니다 너무 기쁘고 저를 낳아 주신 부모님께도 이 기분을 전해드리고 싶습니다 (출처:웨이보 재진)
FT_FANCLUB Nos adorables Primadonna, merci pour vos messages d’anniversaire! J’ai eu une fête d’anniversaire à Taiwan et c’était très très très amusant. Je devrais le célébrer avec nos Primadonna coréennes aussi. C’est vraiment dommageㅠㅠ Je vous aime tellement et merci♥
>사랑하는 프리마돈나 생일축하해줘서 고마워요! 생일파티를 대만에서 하고 있는데 너무너무 신나고 좋네요 우리 한국 프리들하고도 같이 보내야 하는데 넘 아쉽네요ㅠㅠ 너무사랑하구요 고맙습니다♥
FT_FANCLUB Encore une, tada ♥
> 하나더 짠♥
Crédits : FT_FANCLUB @ Twitter
Traduction anglaise: ying1005@withtreasures
Traduction française : Marine Bee @ ftislandfrance.fr

Un commentaire
Choi Young Young
Il a écrit un message sur facebook aussi :)
« Hi everyone. How are you? I’m fine and it so nice to see you again. Firstly I would like to say thank you for the birthday wish. It really touch my heart deeply.
Thank you Primadonna. Thanks for your support. I have a great day at Taiwan. Thanks for the birthday party, birthday cake, birthday wish and many more. Before I’m back to Korea, I’ve read some of Primadonna messages at facebook. kkk~ and also at member twitter. ;) thank you. especially for my mother, father and sister. Thank you for the birthday wish. I miss you. I will visit you soon.
I also receives many gifts from Primadonna. HAHAHA! I’ll open it later. And I’m sorry for everyone that hoping me to back on twitter, i’m sorry. » 생일 축하해요 재진씨! 프리마돈나들은 재진씨 정말 사랑하구요.. 트위터로 빨리 돌아와 주세요! » « happy birthday Jaejin! Primadonna love you! Please get back on twitter soon! » sorry for everything. I love you too.. thank you, thank you and thank you.
I don’t know what to say anymore, I couldn’t think any word. I know, I can’t be just like you wish. I just hope you can smile, and think what you want to do. Don’t forget GOD. He will give everything and he always be with you. I will trying to read messages that I just receives now. because this morning I just read around 400 messages, not all. :P
Dear PRIMADONNA. Please take care of yourself, remember, I ALWAYS LOVE YOU. without YOU, I’m nothing. Finally, I’m sorry for my broken english. I wanted to type in korean, but I know, some of my fans didn’t understand korean, so, i’m trying to use english. If I do any wrong, please forgive me. See you later. I LOVE YOU. and now, I’m trying to gain my weight. kkkk~ «