[Twitter] 23.03.12 Récapitulatif de la journée
(12h02) @chungxuan Ah, il pleut! ! On dirait que le Printemps est arrivé au Japon aussi!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
@chungxuan Ah, it’s raining!! Seems that spring has come to Japan too!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
앗 비온다!! 일본에도 봄이 찾아오려나!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
(credit @WithTreasures)
(19h29) @skullhong Demain… FujiQ !!!!!!! Amusons-nous demain !!!!^^
@skullhong あした….ふじQ!!!!!!!あしたあそぼ!!!!^^ (trad: Marine Bee)
(19h43) @skullhong Le jeu ftislandshake est sorti sur l’Apple Store… Quoi ?!ㅋㅋㅋJe suis en train de le télécharger!!! Vite !!!
@skullhong ftislandshake game is out at App store…What?!ㅋㅋㅋi’m going to download it!!!!Hurry!!!! (credit: @MsLee011)
(01h58) @FtGtJH FujiQ highland ! C’est excitant. RT @skullhong Demain… FujiQ !!!!!!! Amusons-nous demain !!!!^^
@FtGtJH: Fujikyu highland! It’s exciting. RT @skullhong: Tomorrow….FujiQ!!!!!!! Let’s play tomorrow!!!!^^ (credit : @HongJaeBiased)